Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Daily: Pops and Creaks

 Wednesday, March 23, 2022

4:45 am: The house woke me up with popping and creaking. Sometimes I wonder if my house will just fall apart like a house of cards while I am sleeping.

5:15 am: The gym is so crowded. We have a shelf of cubbies to store our shit in while we are working out and it was full this morning. I am always surprised to see what people put in them. Today there was a man's wallet (trusting), another cubby had a phone with their bank app open (even more trusting), and of course the pair of glasses that have been abandoned there for months now (just selfishly taken up space). 

6:30 am: Dog begging to go outside already, sometimes she is truly a nag. Everyone who lives in my house is kind of nag now that I think about it.

7:45 am: Kid dropped off at school like clockwork. He was complaining because today he has to go to the school library and find poetry books. You would think he was going to the library to have the teacher put bamboo splinters under his finger nails.

9:00 am: Just finished my essay on free menstrual products program in Los Angeles libraries for the News With No Sound. Yes, free pads and tampons for people who need them, loving that LA. Off to brush the teeth, flat iron the hair, and then clean the house. Tackling the day strong.

9:15 am: Changed the sheets in the bedroom. At first I had one of the kid's twin size sheets trying to put on our queen size bed and I almost lost my shit and threw the sheet in the street before I realized what I was trying to do. No good deed goes unpunished.

10:20 am: Sitting down to work on writing; @The Baby Gene shorts for TikTok, an essay about "that" guy I sat across from at the Apple store (he was a piece of work), and maybe another story for the news site.

11:45 am: Grabbed a salad with Tofu for lunch. Some people really hate tofu, I think they are stupid.


1:15 pm: Started a new book: Idaho by Emily Ruskovich, not sure what's going on quite yet but I am willing to keep reading to find out. 

2:04 pm: Gotta go grab the kid from school and get gas in the car. The gas may have to wait, I am not prepared to see how much it's going to cost me. Hopefully I have enough...I am throwing caution to the wind.

3:38 pm: Back from school, husband still sleeping even though it is hot in the house. Now we have to be very very quiet, like when Elmer Fudd was hunting wabbits.

4:04 pm: Never mind, now the husband is awake laying on the floor of the kid's room, kind of just staring at me, I am not sure I like it.

5:30 pm: Salad with Green Goddess dressing for was not great. Apparently, I am not a Goddess able to create a green salad. I tried thou

7:30 pm: Real Housewives of OC time. I love a guilty pleasure.

8:56 pm: I've had enough of today. It was a pretty good day, I think I've accomplished a lot today. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring for me and this wacky family of mine.

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