Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Daily: Don't Sleep with Hoops On

Sunday, March 20, 2022


6:10 am: Getting out of bed. Slept with my new hoop earrings on and they poked my head all night long. Why didn't I just take them off? Well, that would have taken more effort than be annoyed.


6:21 am: Out for a jog. It must have rained pretty good last night, everything is wet. Weird.


7:11 am: Thinking about how my kid still doesn't eat vegetables. I thought by the time he was a teenager he would eat like a normal person. I have been wrong about so many things since I became a parent.


8:32 am: Watching reruns of Friends and having coffee. Not bad for a Sunday morning.


9:15 am: As much as I would rather sit on the couch and watch friends I have to wake up the kid. Someone has to keep this ship on course.

10:20 am: Leaving the house to run out and get pizza supplies from the Trader Joe's (and jelly beans and chocolate covered rice cakes and those mini ice cream cones that you can eat three of and it only equals a regular ice cream).

11:30 am: Picking up burritos, it is Sunday after all, you know how we do.

1:28 pm: Walked the dog around the neighborhood, still no peacocks. Where did they run off too? Also, I am not trying to brag, but the weeds in my neighborhood are getting really tall.

2:26 pm: Husband and son are not getting along. I have no clue how they are going to survive each other until the day that kid moves out of this house. Give me strength...

4:35 pm: Cooking mushrooms and shallots to put on pizzas and listening to the Apple music get the party started playlist... no party is starting here.

5:45 pm: Eating pizza and drinking rose prosecco, life's looking up.

7:14 pm: Watching latest Borat movie on Amazon. The husband does not seem amused.

8:50 pm: Borat movie was great, we laughed a lot and now we are afraid of other Americans. Good job Amazon.

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