Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Daily: Disappointed

Saturday, March 19, 2022

 6:01 am: Waking up feeling disappointed about last night, I hate feeling disappointed in my kid. Good Morning, huh?

6:21 am: Hit the mean streets of suburbia and am jogging in the dark. This is why daylight savings time gets under my skin, also, why does my gym open at 5 am on the weekdays but 7 am on the weekends. Why not 6 am?

6:50 am: Thinking about a story I read last week about a man who cub-napped two baby bears. Two. What the hell?

7:15 am: Walking back from my jog, feeling like I am walking through wet cement or quicksand, tired. At least what I would imagine both those things would feel like, I've never walked through either of them, obviously, have you?


7:52 am: Coffee coffee coffee. My favorite time of the morning. Going to watch music videos on MTV, Saturday is the only time I ever see videos on MTV.

9:05 am: Drag the kid out of bed, he's only been asleep for twelve hours, I think that's enough beauty rest.

9:45 am: Kid is asking for his phone I took away last night when he was late to our pick up spot. Dude, no means no. He truly doesn't understand

10:15 am: Made kid walk around the yard and look at all the new plants growing, he is in a special kind of hell right now, I kind of love it.

10:49 am: The husband is going to repair a piece of wood on the house that is rotten, there will be so much cussing today, anyone with kids in the neighborhood should think about a trip to the beach today.

11:40 am: Making lunch for the crew, listening to Billy Joel essentials on Apple music, my son is probably sticking sharpened number two pencils in his ears to keep from having to listen to good music.

12:45 pm: Husband left to get something from the hardware store, wood glue or wood putty, whatever it is it's probably not going to help the project but...he is on a mission.

2:10 pm: Forced the kid to walk the dog with me, he surprising left the complaining at the door of our house, instead he talked about the different packages that the Dodge Durango come with, riveting conversationalist that kid of mine.

2:33 pm: Husband still working on fixing the house, I would say things are going okay, the cursing hasn't really been all that bad.


4:50 pm: I guess I am taking over the dinner making since the husband is a little all over the place. Rice and brussel sprouts for me, shrimp and chicken for the husband on the bbq. Have I ever mentioned that I don't love shrimp...

6:15 pm: Walking the dog but no peacocks tonight, where in the hell are they hiding.

7:06 pm: Watching The Mindy Project while I am waiting for the husband to clean up or whatever it is he is doing. I guess I should check on the kid and see what kind of time wasting he is up to.

7:20 pm: The kid came upstairs and took over my tv to watch hockey. Who does he think he is?

7:35 pm: The husband has picked the Viking show Valhalla on Netflix to watch. I am always willing to try something new...for fifteen minutes at least.

9:01 pm: Still watching Valhalla, so that's good. We should be entertained, we pay for so many streaming services.

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