Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Second Bah Humbug: Gift List Making

I cannot be the only one...whose family is not known for being list makers, no to do list, no grocery list, and absolutely, positively no Christmas lists. I know this sounds silly, how could we possibly expect to receive any gifts we really love if we don't let people know what it is we want, but we never take the time to sit and put pencil to paper to create a list.  My family's aversive attitude towards holiday wish list is going to have to change because I have somehow become the PR person for all things gift related for all three of us, and it's starting to get exasperating.

My Sonny Boy wants everything he sees, all as seen on t.v. pillow pets and rainbow light projectors, but I would rather him not have these things, so I must take his encyclopedia sized dream list and edit it down to a more reasonable paper back novel sized list.  Once this task has been completed, I then have to equally distribute list ideas between family members, and as if this isn't enough leg work on it's own, I later have to cross reference the list at an Aunt's or a Grandparent's request when one of them wants to buy something that was listed on the other person's list (trust me, I am aware of how first world problem this all sounds, but I am going with it).  One would think my wish list woes would end there, but one would be wrong, because next comes all the calls, emails, text messages, and carrier pigeons asking me if I could suggest some nice ideas for the Hubby as well. Thus begins another process of me creating an abridged version of all my Hubby's mumblings of, "I would like to have one of those...," items into a another list.
Where does my list come in you ask...I also wonder, but in an attempt to not sound like the martyr I have portrayed myself as here, I really don't need much (besides my iPhone, iPad, and laptop, all of which I have), so unless someone wants to knit me an iPad cozy I think I am good with whatever anyone is kind enough to gift to me. I know this list making madness is happening in other homes this time of year and to you collectors of all things yearned for by your family, I say hold onto that last string of sanity because there is a whole lot more of this holiday season to go.

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