Friday, December 27, 2013

Its Said and Its Done

I cannot be the only one…who is more than a little relieved that all the salutations of seasons greetings have been said, all the festive meals have been eaten, and all the wrappings have been unwrapped for this years Christmas.  Now that the season has been said and done it is time for us to review, recap, and recite some of the holiday happenings.

First, allow me to start with the gifts not purchased from the multitude of list I created for various family members (if you need to refresh your memory on the gift list demands, read here: The Second Bah Humbug).  After all the researching and narrowing down of the items that the Sonny Boy wanted to a less than obscene amount, then the writing, the texting, and the dictating of the list to those who asked for them, NOT ONE of the items were purchased.  It feels so wrong to be peeved by the specific gifts that someone else took the time buy and give to Sonny Boy, but next year list making will not be one of my holiday chores (although, this declaration feels familiar, it's possible I say this every year).

Next, I have to say that making the effort to see all the family members who want to spend time with our little family of three is ex-haust-ing. Driving from one house to the next, spending just the right amount of time to get in all that Christmas cheer and leaving without short-changing anyone (mostly just my mom) of the glory of Sonny Boy running off of candy sprinkled covered sugar cookies (wow, those cookies sounds even worse when you type it out) while wildly tearing open packages, can run a mother down.

Finally, after everyone has gone home and we’ve picked up a small forest worth of wrapping paper, bows, and gift tags, we are left with finding places for all the new swag in Sonny Boy’s already overstuffed toy boxes. We are left with empty bottles of cheer and sore backs from all the standing around the hors d’oeuvres and cookie tables catching up with once a year relatives. We are left with a few more family gossip stories that will give us plenty to dish about until Easter and we are left with a sense of peace that this whole hoop jumping of the holiday season is done, done, done until next year.

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